Saturday 13 August 2016

MMM Nigeria Things You Are Required To Know As A Participant in The MMM Community

MMM NigeriaThings You Are Required To Know As A Participant in The MMM Community Common Wrong Assumptions...
MMM is not a business.... It is simply a donation community...
If MMM is a business, there will be buying and selling of goods and services....
MMM is not an investment .... If MMM is an investment, else will be a central account, capital and profits & loss .... 
MMM is purely a donation platform.... This is why there is no central account.... MMM is not a bank... Not a central bank not a commercial bank and not a mortgage bank... Else there would have been loans and interest...
MMM is not a networking business else you would have been asked to bring in people before you can earn..... 
The 30% reward is not profit... It is a reward given back to you for donating and helping others in the community... With a desire to expose you to the power of giving... And the 30% is simply a reward for helping someone within the community...
MMM is strictly a donation community.... You simply earn a reward based on what you have contributed/donated to the MMM community....
You are given a 10% referral bonus simply because you have positively affected lives and contributed to the growth of the community....
It is a peer to peer system where people pay each other.... And this system is not dependent on any single person... Not even the founder....
Three things you need to do to sustain MMM in Nigeria and everywhere else..../
1. You should not use a fund or donation critical to you... Only donate spare money.. A. Do not donate a borrowed fund or load because MMM has no guarantee... Only use the sum you know you will not mind to loose....
B. Avoid being greedy... Do not take a loan to create multiple accounts on MMM... If caught all accounts will be blocked... 2. You need to provide help and get help at all times. Providing help and getting help makes the system dynamic and always active....
MMM needs funds that are dynamic and not static funds, therefore do not leave your funds in the system beyond 30 Days after you have been matched... If banks do not have existing depositors, they will not survive.... If you make MMM dynamic it will never crumble....
3. Invite new people into the system.... Keep inviting at least 1 person in a month to join the community.... This will help the MMM community to grow and last for a long time... No organization across the world is self sufficient on its existing clients... But must attract new clients to keep alive...
To Register/Sign-Up Now Click here for steps to Register.. or call/whatsapp 07056721561 for more information..
MMM is strictly a donation system of the people by the people and for the people... Together We Change The World!

Tuesday 2 August 2016


You must have read my earlier posts on MMM, the IDEOLOGY and the other posts. Now lets get down to the details.

Ok let me just say what MMM is about in a simple language, when you register, you indicate that you want to help someone with a certain amount.

You will then receive a message in your backoffice with the name, account number and phone numbers of a person or persons then you will pay into their accounts.

Then you will upload the picture of the deposit slip so that there will be evidence that you paid the money. You could also call the person to confirm if they got the money.  When the person you paid to receives an alert, he will login into his own backoffice and confirm that he has received, then your accounts are confirmed.

Once this is done you wait for 30days after that you can request for the amount you have paid someone plus the 30% and someone will pay that amount into your account. You can also decide to leave it for more than one month and you get extra 30%. 

For example if you decide to help with 50k at the end of one month you get the 30% which is 15k which makes your money 65k, now if you don't withdraw it and leave it for another month you will get another 30% on 65k instead of the 50k you have paid out.

So you are not paying into any company account or depositing any money anywhere, the money will be with you until you are matched with someone or people then you can pay  the money into their accounts. (I HAVE A DOCUMENT THAT EXPLAINS THIS WHATSAPP/TEXT ME ON 07056721561 AND I WILL SEND IT TO YOU OR USE THE CONTACT FORM ON THE LEFT)

Ok now you get the gist below is how you register THIS IS HOW YOU REGISTER INTO MMM

To register in MMM you need to go to  and click on “Registration” button in the upper right corner.

The form below will appear then  Fill the registration form as shown on screenshot:
(Fields marked with * are required)
1.   Enter your name (or a nickname).
2.   Enter your e-mail (preferable mailbox is
3.   Enter your mobile phone number
4.   Create your password
5.   Retype created password
6.   Enter an invite code of a participant who invited you MMM (if there is any)
7.   Enter your Guider’s email (Not required field, please fill if you know a Guider and want to be a member of his team)
8.   Enter numbers from the picture.
9.   Necessarily read the WARNING and check the box that you accept it.
10.                     Click on “Registration in MMM” button.

Once you have completed all required fields there will be a congratulation message on your screen. And also instructions what to do next:
1.   Go to Personal Office’s website.
2.   Read about how to successfully participate in MMM.


Personal Office is a personalized section of the site, available for registered members. Through Personal Office you can:
·         Provide and Get Help (“buy” and “sell” Mavros)
o    See how your Mavro’s grow
o    Create “letters of happiness”
·         Register newcomers and manage their Personal Office (if you are Guider)
o    See your referrals and team
·         Get in touch with:
o    The Support Team — if you need to solve Personal Office issues
o    Your Guider — if you need any advice or help
o    Contact transfer Recipient or Sender — if you need to clear something up about transfer

·         Make personal settings
o    Edit your personal Contact info
o    Change Privacy settings
o    Add your bank and Bitcoin’s accounts
o    Сonnect mobile devices to be able to use Personal Office on a tablet or a smartphone

In order to access your Personal Office: go to the picture will appear click on login on the top right

You will be redirected to a page as shown on screenshot:
1.  Enter numbers (or letters) from picture.
Click on “Login” button

A login-to-system page will appear.
You can choose your language from the dropdown list.
1.  Enter your e-mail (or the phone number).
2.  Enter Password (created upon registration).
3.  Click on “Login” button.

You are logged in your Personal Office.



MMM is not a bank, MMM does not collect your money, MMM is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program. MMM is a community where people help each other. MMM gives you a technical platform which helps millions of participants worldwide to connect those who NEED help to those who are ready to PROVIDE help, for FREE. All transferred funds to another participant are your help  given by your own good will to another one, absolutely gratis. If you are completely confident and certain in your actions and make your mind to participate, we kindly ask you to study carefully all warnings and instructions first. In cases of any matter regarding the topic Our online consultants are ready to help and answer all of your questions.


MMM is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence.
In MMM you don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property. In MMM there are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.
The only thing that MMM demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.
There is no сentral account, where all the System money flows to (and where it can be easily stolen from :-)). All the money is only on the banking accounts of the participants themselves! On a lot of thousand and million private accounts. Participants transfer to each other directly, without intermediaries! (What are they for? :-)) In fact, MMM only regulates the process — nothing more.
So the System completely belongs to people. No kidding! It is a real mutual aid fund where ordinary people help each other.
How does it work technically? You declare the willingness to give help (click in your Personal Office (hereinafter PO) "Provide Help"), after which your account will be rewarded with mavro (internal “currency”/scores of the System). Mavros will start growing from the moment of offering the contribution at the rate of 30% per month. (Calculation of reward occurs twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 00:00 GMT.) This sum in Mavro shows how much you can request for yourself.
Say you have announced willingness to assist with $ 100. You will be rewarded in your PO with 100 mavro. And they will immediately start growing! A month later, these 100 will become 130 mavro. Accordingly, you will be able to request assistance for $ 130.
However, it is not necessary at all to wait for a month. Help can be requested at any time. But only after confirmation of your mavro. What does "after confirmation" mean? It means only after you actually transfer money, i.e. really give assistance to another participant. (But not just declare willingness. :-)) Request for providing help comes to you in your personal office. If you do not do it within 48 hours, you will be removed from the system. (For all eternity. :-))
In cases of any matter regarding the topic our online consultants are ready to help and answer all your questions.
Please note that the use of the words 30% a month cannot be considered as a yield or interest rate since the funds were given away, we are not earning anything anywhere (we are a mutual-aid fund), and nobody promises or guarantees to pay it! 


When registering in the system, you get from $20 to $100 as a present.
But not everyone, only those who have contributed their own money as well. (Otherwise the System will be pulled apart. For bonuses. They will keep registering endlessly. :-))
1) $20 — if you have contributed from $50 to $499. Frozen for two weeks. If you take it out earlier — you will lose twenty.
2) $50 — if you have contributed from $500 to $2'999. Frozen for a month.
3) $100 — $3'000 and above. Also frozen for a month.
Once again about “freezing”. Bear in mind that if you take your money out earlier, you'll lose registration bonus. Only the bonus! But the contribution with all the accrued interest will be paid.
Each participant is allowed to have only one account.


You get 10% from all deposits of the participant 
you invited. Inviting new members into the 
Community is your additional contribution to its 
development. But nobody force the members of the 
Community to invitnew participants.But at the 
same time, understanding that the MMM 
network can’t exist without development and 
participants’ encouragement 
in the form of referral bonuses motivate many
 people to take an active position.


Guiders of MMM Community can create their own 
multi-level structures and get a bonus from each
 donation of every participant in their structures. 
This is a multi-level bonus, thus a guider can have 
his own leader whose rank is higher. Guider’s bonus 
depends on his level in the Community:

For example, if you are Ronald’s guider, Ronald is 
Maricel’s guider and Maricel is Joseph’s, you will 
get 5% from Ronald’s donation, 3% from Maricel’s 
donation and 1% from Joseph’s. If someone will be 
under Joseph, you will get from him 0.5% and so on.
Guider’s bonuses are credited in the same way as 
referral, but only from new money deposited and 
will be available to withdraw after confirmation of 
your help provided.


Bonus for the video in a "Letter of happiness" 
is +10%, +5% or +1% of the amount of received help.
After receiving help you have to send a "Letter of 
happiness". If you attach a video to it, you will get a
 bonus. The bonus is credited for each "Letter of 
  • 10% of the amount of help received — you will get 
  • for super quality video. It should be 
  • professional-looking: quality recording and editing. 
  • Record an interesting story in which you are the main 
  • character. Tell us how you will spend (spent) the 
  • money, what impact MMM ideology had on your 
  • life, how the Community changes your life, and
  •  invite other people to participate in MMM. The plot 
  • must be interesting and creative. The minimum 
  • resolution is 640x480. The minimum video duration 
  • is 1 min 30 sec. 5% of received help for the video 
  • where you show your face and your voice is heard 
  • clearly. Tell about your emotions from the 
  • participation in MMM and invite other people to 
  • join the Community!
  • 1% of received help for the video where you don’t 
  • show your face. You need to demonstrate your 
  • Personal Office and a photo of your bank 
  • accounts statement or an electronic statement 
  • from internet banking as a proof of receiving help.
The bonus is credited in MAVRO 30% and frozen for 
1 month. If during this month you will delete 
the video, you will lose this bonus.
Bonus for your video story of providing help 
is +1% or +0.5% of the amount of the help 
In addition, you can record a video about providing 
help and get a bonus 1% or 0.5% of the amount of 
provided help. The size of the bonus depends on 
the fact if you show your face in the video or not.


There is a serious problem. Many would like to participate in MMM but they, let’s say, don’t have the internet. Or they are just too lazy to understand and deal with all this. With all these assignments and so on. What if it could be like this: you transfer money and then you simply get it with interest. No bothering about anything. :-))
So for this kind of participants who have no internet (or just for the lazy ones :-)), institution of Trustees and Trustors has been created. (Any caprice, as they say! :-))
Any participant of MMM can entrust his/her guider the PO managing, assigning the leader as his/her Trustee. Provide complete access to PO and let him/her get into all these details. The participant just calls and gives assignments: “Take out this sum of money for me!" and so on.
How does it work?
The first option. The guider registers the participant and states that he/she is his Trustee. (If, let’s say, the participant has no internet or does not know anything about computers).
The second option. The participant indicates in PO himself/herself that he/she makes the guider his/her Trustee (and provides him complete access to the PO — he is tired of bothering with all this! :-)). Of course, at any moment the participant can change his mind and refuse of Trustee’s service.
In order to protect from abuses from the Trustee’s, the most important operations (change of account information for cash-out, creation of application for cash-out, confirmation of getting money) — only through confirmation code! I.e. at the Trustee’s attempt to make such operation, a confirmation code will be asked. It is sent by sms to the Trustor. The Trustee gets in touch with the Trustor, explains the details and then the Trustor tells the confirmation code. (If he/she wants. :-)) Only in this way! :-))
Besides, when creating applications and assignments for cash-in the Trustor will also get the corresponding sms. Other than that, in the case of the assignment to send money, the recipient’s account information will be indicated in the sms. (For the guider not to say: “Send it to me!” We know that! :-))
What else? The Trustee can go into PO of the Trustor right from his/her PO and then the same way can come back easily into his/her personal PO. I.e. managing of trustee’s PO is extremely easy.
We can change the world!


Monday 1 August 2016


Have you watched? 

Who is it about? About fleas? 

Or about us? 

The people who were born in the bank system? Don't you sometimes think that you were born for greater things? Not for glass jars, not for the dullness and hopelessness that surrounds you today? Not to be forced to work hard from morning till evening for somebody else and get miserable pennies for this hard work? And spend all your life on this! The only life you have, because you won’t get another one!! Never!!! Did you think of it? If yes, then we have the same way! We Are Changing The World! Today you help others — tomorrow you will be helped! Or not. Here's another thing. A small digression. 

First of all. For information. We still live in a slave society. Like we did thousands of years ago. Nothing has changed since then. Except that the chains are economic now. That's the only difference. And for the rest, everything is the same. There are slaves and owners. The owners are the ones who print money. Have you got surprised? :-)) 

 Next. What is money? Nothing! Nihil. A phantom. Emptiness! Just the colorful paper, beautifully decorated with all sorts water marks, emblems and pictures. (Usually the portraits of great men. They look so respectable. :-)) Owners print it in any quantity and when they want to. 

Money is nothing more but wrap paper. Owners give it to slaves as "pay for work". Doing it, they teach the slaves solemnly that "money must be earned honestly." And the slaves obediently listen to them. We are brainwashed from the cradle with all sorts of books, pamphlets, films, mass media — this whole giant, well-organized and ruthlessly efficient state brainwashing machine. The slaves do not know other things, and they think that the world should work like this and they have no other ways. But, they do!! 

Together we change the world! 

 P.S. One more thing. In fact, people don’t need much money. That is not money which is important. It is important that you are AWARE of having it! You know there's a money box, which you can open at any time and take out as much money as you need. That's what is really important! Confidence in the future. Reliability. 

Now MMM is such a money box. One common box. For everybody. The money box, where millions of people keep their funds. Do you need money? Open and take it. As much as you need. That’s it. A sort of global mutual aid fund. Today you have helped — tomorrow you will be helped! This is the point of the System. Read IDEOLOGY. Before you join. This is very important! 


There are no guarantees and promises! Neither explicit nor implicit.

There are neither investments nor business! Participants help each other, sending each other money directly and without intermediaries. That’s all! There's nothing more. 

There are no securities transactions, no relationship with the professional participants of the securities market; you do not acquire any securities. (Do you need them? :-)) 

There are no rules. In principle! The only rule is no rules. At all! Even if you follow all of the instructions, you still may "lose". "Win" might not be paid. Without any reasons or explanations. 

And in general, you can lose all your money. Always remember about this and participate only with spare money. Or do not participate at all! Amen. :-))