Saturday, 13 August 2016

MMM Nigeria Things You Are Required To Know As A Participant in The MMM Community

MMM NigeriaThings You Are Required To Know As A Participant in The MMM Community Common Wrong Assumptions...
MMM is not a business.... It is simply a donation community...
If MMM is a business, there will be buying and selling of goods and services....
MMM is not an investment .... If MMM is an investment, else will be a central account, capital and profits & loss .... 
MMM is purely a donation platform.... This is why there is no central account.... MMM is not a bank... Not a central bank not a commercial bank and not a mortgage bank... Else there would have been loans and interest...
MMM is not a networking business else you would have been asked to bring in people before you can earn..... 
The 30% reward is not profit... It is a reward given back to you for donating and helping others in the community... With a desire to expose you to the power of giving... And the 30% is simply a reward for helping someone within the community...
MMM is strictly a donation community.... You simply earn a reward based on what you have contributed/donated to the MMM community....
You are given a 10% referral bonus simply because you have positively affected lives and contributed to the growth of the community....
It is a peer to peer system where people pay each other.... And this system is not dependent on any single person... Not even the founder....
Three things you need to do to sustain MMM in Nigeria and everywhere else..../
1. You should not use a fund or donation critical to you... Only donate spare money.. A. Do not donate a borrowed fund or load because MMM has no guarantee... Only use the sum you know you will not mind to loose....
B. Avoid being greedy... Do not take a loan to create multiple accounts on MMM... If caught all accounts will be blocked... 2. You need to provide help and get help at all times. Providing help and getting help makes the system dynamic and always active....
MMM needs funds that are dynamic and not static funds, therefore do not leave your funds in the system beyond 30 Days after you have been matched... If banks do not have existing depositors, they will not survive.... If you make MMM dynamic it will never crumble....
3. Invite new people into the system.... Keep inviting at least 1 person in a month to join the community.... This will help the MMM community to grow and last for a long time... No organization across the world is self sufficient on its existing clients... But must attract new clients to keep alive...
To Register/Sign-Up Now Click here for steps to Register.. or call/whatsapp 07056721561 for more information..
MMM is strictly a donation system of the people by the people and for the people... Together We Change The World!

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